Friday, July 2, 2010


What you say reels me in. Every time. The kind eyes don't hurt, either. But in the end, it's your soul that makes me want to stay. All day, everyday...radiating love like tiny beams of sunshine, no matter what clouds are following me-lurking in the past.

I wish I would have had you there before, on those overcast nights. The pain we share now is merely a faint memory of what once was. But, witnessing this sunrise of ideas, passion, and love...makes everything warm and worth it.

Thank you.


  1. youve made my life. fwiw, i am not really good at writing or do it much please dont expect a ton of stuff that at the level of "me to me"
    confession: i read it myself online and the (meaning)changed a few times dramatically before my eyes while reading fter publishing.
    the "how much is it worth" didnt magically move down to " to listen"so personally i cant take credit for the final meaning which if a little imperfect seemed really cool when it hit me.

    i also am having a hard time thinking that today is real...anything bad that happens i just hang to the two posts you wrote &it loses all,or a good chunk of in some horrific nightmare scenerio thingthe realdarkness that sometimes did hit me pretty hard..pretty lucky person i think am i and so Thanks for saving my future too.
    love, rob

    psps dont tye great on this new netbook,.sorry millions ofkisses everywhere
    love,rob again

  2. i dont think my comment posted??

  3. oops, i hope thats all ok

    xoxoxox,<3 <3

  4. please forgiveme....imeant,

    the "how much is it worth" magically moved down to go with " to listen..."so personally i cant take credit for the final meaning which if a little imperfect seemed really cool when it hit me.
    OMG forgive the mess ive made on this nice page!!!!! ( seriously i am truly sorry)

  5. hi

    miss you




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